Assistant Professor
Southeast Missouri State University, USA
Speaker: Dr. Ihsan Ali (Senior Member IEEE) is currently working as an Assistant Professor Department of Computer Science, Southeast Missouri State University, previously he was research associate at the Network Systems Research lab at the University of Nebraska. He also works as a research associate at University of Malaya. He has published papers in premier technical journals, including IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, the Elsevier Future Generation Computer Systems Journal, IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials, and IEEE Communications Magazine. He is serving as an Academic Editor in different journal in the domain of computer science. Few of them are Express, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, Journal of Computer Networks and Communications. He is also an Editorial Board Member of Recent Advances in Computer Science and Communications (Bentham Science Publishers Ltd USA), and Computer Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) (Tech Science Press) and topic Guest Editor for the special issue on “Intelligent Automation for Smart Agriculture: From Sensor Networks to Decision Support Systems”, “Device Condition Monitoring and Predictions using IoT in Industry 5.0” in Measurement: Sensors Journal. He was also the lead GE of the special issue on Data Collection in Resource-Limited Networks (WSNs, IoT, Sensor Cloud). He has been actively involved in research and teaching activities over the past fifteen years in different countries, including the US, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and Malaysia. His research interests include Wireless Sensor Networks, Sensor Cloud, Cloud Computing, Fog Computing, IoT, cyber security and Smart communities.