Call for Tutorials: The 3rd ICETST2024 will host a tutorial program to offer participants the chance to explore innovative trends and learn new techniques related to ICT like machine learning and data science, both fitting for the research audience and industrial audience. We solicit a few tutorial sessions with each of two hours on Oct. 10 and 11, 2024. Tutorial levels may be intermediate or advanced. Topics of broad interest are preferred. A tutorial proposal should include:
The proposed title
A structured description of the contents
A brief discussion about why the tutorial topic is important to the community
A description of the expected outcomes for attendees
The name, affiliation, email and brief biography of the speakers(s)
A list of recent publications related to the tutorial topic from the speakers in the past 3 years.
Specify any previous versions of the material given by any of the presenters, and if and how it will be modified for ICETST2024.
Tutorial Proposals can be submitted via Google Form :
For any queries, contact via email :
The subject of the email should be “Tutorial Proposal for ICETST 2024”